Sharks have been roaming the earth’s oceans since the dinosaur’s era.

Yet, we’ve been able to push them to extinction in just a few years…

Between 1970 and 2018, more than 70% of sharks populations have disappeared from our planet.

The main threats to sharks are overfishing, bycatch (the incidental capture of non-target species), culling (killing sharks to “protect” people which is a total nonsense) and pollution (sharks can for example die after finding themselves entangled in drifting nets or other plastic pollution).

Therefore, we need to take action and we need to do it NOW !

This is why We decided to go around the world to tell the story of sharks and to give a voice to the ones that can’t scream for help !

The goal is to create a 90 minutes documentary to show the world how beautiful but also how endangered sharks are.

In order to achieve this, We’ll have to travel the entire globe to meet and interview, not only specialists that are dedicating their entire life to save sharks but also people or industries that are part of the problem !

Two key components to achieving a conservation goal


In order to find interest in a problem, people must be educated about it and understand not only what’s happening but also what they can do to help !


People care about what they love and, therefore, protect it !

Through this film and our images, We just want them to fall in love with the ocean and especially with sharks.

In order to educate people about sharks and to make them fall in love with these amazing creatures, the goal of the film is, not only, to show and explain everything that is currently happening and that is pushing them to extinction but also to show how beautiful and fascinating sharks are through breathtaking footage and appealing cinematography !

What would happen if sharks disappeared ?



Without predators, small fish populations would explode leading to a fast decline due to over-consumption of the environment and starvation



Sharks are eating all the dead / ill / weak animals meaning that they are keeping the oceans healthy ! Without them, diseases would easily spread



The decline of fish coming from the disappearance of sharks would allow algae and bacteria to smother coral reefs, not allowing them to photosynthesis anymore



Without sharks, the entire ocean ecosystems would collapse. With up to 80% of the world’s oxygen coming from the ocean, we simply can’t damage the oceans and these fragile ecosystems.

Apex predators, not monsters !

Because of films like Jaws, sharks have a very bad reputation pretty much worldwide.

One of the goal of our documentary is to demonstrate the world that sharks aren’t monsters but apex predators that aren’t here to eat every single human they’ll cross path with.

Sharks have amazing senses and are incredible predators ! Yet, we can still interact with them when we have the knowledge that allow us to do so. This is a very important message I want to share in order, not only to show people how important they are but also to show them how unique it can be to interact with such predators !

A little taste of what’s coming…

To provide an overview of what we’ll be creating, in terms of visuals and cinematic style, here’s a short documentary we produced about the Great Hammerhead sharks in Bimini, The Bahamas.

More than a film !

To make this film come to life, we’re teaming up with scientists all over the world.

Therefore, the images we’ll be creating won’t only be used for the film but will also help scientific researches we’re either leading or supporting.

For example, we’ve already tagged Mako Sharks in Baja California Sur, Mexico, we collaborate with sharks fishermen there to help them find new ways to get an income without having to fish for sharks, we give school presentations, etc…

The medias are already talking about it…

The medias are already talking about the film I’m producing.

The Swiss National TV RTS made a full subject about it on their 7:30pm news.

What’s next ?

The release aim of the film is for 2024, we’re currently still gathering all the footage needed to produce the documentary.

The final film will be a 4K, 90min documentary.


Shark fishing survey

